Official Shurite Bujutsu-Kai Website & Webstore
Official Shurite Bujutsu-Kai Website & Webstore
The Shuri-Te Bujutsu-Kai is a non-political martial arts training organization promoting cooperation and mutual respect for all systems. The SBK is comprised of many highly skilled and dedicated martial artist, represented by schools and individual martial artist from many different styles and systems of training from across the USA and Internationally. We provide, propagate and cultivate highly effective systems of combative self-defense that encompasses physical and mental training with a policy of ethics and character growth.
SBK Guiding Principles: Principle Over Personality, Cooperation, Continued Study and seeking perfection of oneself.
As a member of the Shuri-Te Bujutsu-Kai you become part of an international organization that provides numerous benefits as described below.
Student/Yudansha Membership Level:
Dojo/School Membership Level – All of the above plus:
Shurite Bujutsu-Kai New Membership, Promotion & Renewal Form 2025 (pdf)
DownloadNew life members will receive Shurite Bujutsu-Kai current rank certificate/rank homologation certificates, official individual membership certificate, dojo/school affiliation membership certificate (if applicable) and Shurite Bujutsu-Kai patch. (All new memberships subject to approval)
All Rank Levels - One Time Fee/Life Member $175.00 USD
(Download membership application above)
New members will receive Shurite Bujutsu-Kai current rank certificate/rank homologation certificates, official individual membership certificate and Shurite Bujutsu-Kai patch. (All new memberships subject to approval)
All Ranks - $36.00 USD
(Download membership application above)
New school/dojo affiliation/associate membership includes official Shurite Bujutsu-Kai certificate of dojo affiliation. Grants all the SBK member school privileges to recipient. School membership is award for a life-time there is only a one-time fee. (All new school memberships subject to approval)
One Time Fee $108.00 USD
(Download membership application above)
Under black belt (Kyu) level promotions include new Shurite Bujutsu-Kai Kyu rank certificate
All Kyu Levels - $ 30.00 USD
(Download promotion application above)
Black belt (Dan) level promotions include new Shurite Bujutsu-Kai Dan rank certificate
All Black Belt Levels - $108.00 USD
(Download promotion application above)
Yearly individual membership renewal includes up-dated yearly Shurite Bujutsu-Kai membership certificate
All Ranks - $28.00 USD
(Download membership renewal form above)